The Enchanted Veil
    By Storybird
    Created on 19 Sep, 2023
    The Enchanted Veil cover image
    In a world where beauty was the ultimate currency, Rena's worth surpassed all. But she hid herself, behind a mask and cloak, living in obscurity.
    Yet, Rena's reputation as the most desirable woman in the realm was impossible to escape. The pursuit of romance was an unwelcome hindrance for her.
    So, she sought the most powerful wizard, the prince himself, hoping for a remedy. She requested a curse of ugliness to keep the unwanted suitors at bay.
    The prince, intrigued by Rena's request, ordered her to be unveiled. She could not prevent it, and her beauty left him in awe.
    Struck by her beauty, the prince proposed to Rena then and there. Bewildered, she rejected his proposal, causing a sudden change in his demeanor.
    His kind visage disappeared, replaced by a cold, demanding glare. He commanded his guards to seize Rena and announced she was to live with him henceforth.
    Taken to the prince's stronghold, Rena was confined to a room without doors or windows—an unescapable prison, accessible only through teleportation.
    The prince constantly paid her visits. His threats replaced any attempts at courtship. Rena, desperate for solitude, begged him to leave, to no avail.
    Day after day, Rena found herself trapped in the cold, lonely room. The prince would teleport in and out, his presence a constant reminder of her captivity.
    As the days turned into months, Rena's pleas for him to leave her alone fell on deaf ears. His visits continued, his tone colder than the room's stone walls.
    Rena felt her spirit diminishing. Her beauty, the cause of her misery, remained untouched. The prince showed no intention of fulfilling her initial request for ugliness.
    Her hopes of ever escaping the prince's clutches dwindled with each passing day. Her once-vibrant eyes dulled, reflecting the bleakness of her situation.
    Rena's story was one of sorrow. The enchanted veil, meant to hide her beauty, had only led to her downfall. The freedom she craved seemed an impossible dream.
    And so, the tale of Rena, the girl too beautiful for her own good, persisted. Her unhappy ending a lesson to those who valued beauty above all else.

    The Enchanted Veil

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