The Incredible Inflation
By Storybird

22 Sep, 2023

Mothra, the giant moth-like kaiju, harbored a dream unlike any other: to become the biggest kaiju in existence. As she rested on a secluded mountain, she pondered the idea.

With a child-like eagerness, she decided to act on her wish. Mothra took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the crisp mountain air.

She began to inflate, her body growing in size and her wingspan increasing. The trees below her seemed smaller as she rose higher, her shadow engulfing the entire forest.

With each breath, she could feel herself expanding, the sensation intoxicating. Her size doubled, then tripled. Yet, it wasn't enough.

The landscape around her became like a miniature model, as she continued to inflate. The mountains that once towered over her were now mere pebbles compared to her massive form. Each gust of wind that passed over her felt like a soft caress against her expanding body, fueling her desire to grow even larger.

Mothra's size was now so immense that she could see far beyond the mountains. She could see the cities and towns, the rivers and forests, the oceans and deserts. Each breath she took caused her to inflate even more, her size becoming almost incomprehensible.

Despite her enormous size, Mothra felt a sense of serenity. She was bigger than any other kaiju, her dream realized. Yet, she felt a yearning, an urge to continue growing. The world was her playground, and she was its biggest inhabitant.

As the sun set, its rays cast an ethereal glow on Mothra's gigantic form. She cast a shadow over the land, her silhouette visible from miles away. As night fell, she continued to inflate, her size only limited by her desire to be the biggest.