The Little Red Hen and the Lazy Cat

    By jerrytai6

    The Little Red Hen and the Lazy Cat cover image

    24 Aug, 2023

    Once upon a time, in a quiet farmyard, lived a diligent Little Red Hen. She was always busy, always working, from dusk till dawn, to keep her coop tidy and well-stocked.

    A lazy Cat also lived in the same farmyard. Unlike the diligent hen, the cat spent his days sleeping under the sun, never lifting a paw to help with the chores.

    One day, the Little Red Hen found some wheat seeds scattered in the yard. She decided to plant them, hoping for a good harvest that she could turn into a loaf of bread.

    Knowing she had much work to do, the hen approached the Lazy Cat, hoping he would assist her in planting the seeds. However, the cat simply stretched and yawned, refusing to help.

    Unwilling to be deterred, the Little Red Hen proceeded to plant the seeds all by herself. Every day, she watered the crops and kept a watchful eye over them.

    After several weeks, the grains of wheat had grown tall and golden. Once again, the Little Red Hen asked for the Lazy Cat's help in harvesting the crop, but was met with the same refusal.

    Undetered, the Little Red Hen harvested the wheat by herself. With great effort, she gathered all the grains and stored them safely away in the coop.

    The preparation of the bread required grinding the wheat into flour. She sought the Lazy Cat's assistance once again, but he merely swatted his tail and turned away.

    So, the Little Red Hen ground the wheat into flour by herself. Her determination never waning, she then mixed the flour with water and kneaded it into dough.

    The dough then needed to be baked into bread. The Little Red Hen, despite her fatigue, approached the Lazy Cat one final time. But, as usual, he refused to help.

    With an unwavering resolve, the Little Red Hen baked the bread herself. The warm smell of the freshly baked loaf wafted through the air, filling the farmyard.

    The aroma reached the Lazy Cat, rousing him from his nap. He came over, curious and eager to taste the delicious-smelling loaf.

    The cat, licking his lips, asked the Little Red Hen if he could have a slice of the fresh bread. The hen, however, had a different plan in mind.

    She reminded the Lazy Cat of all the times she had asked for his help and he had refused. Now that the work was done and the reward was at hand, why should she share with him?

    The Lazy Cat hung his head in shame, realizing he should have helped when he had the chance. He apologized to the Little Red Hen and promised to change his ways.

    From that day forward, the Lazy Cat was not so lazy anymore. He helped the Little Red Hen with her chores and learned the value of hard work and cooperation.

    The Little Red Hen was pleased to see the change in the cat. They became good friends, working together to care for the farmyard, sharing the rewards and the responsibility.

    The farmyard was now bustling with activity, and the Lazy Cat was no longer found sleeping under the sun. Instead, he was seen helping the Little Red Hen, doing his fair share of work.

    Other animals in the farmyard noticed this change. They saw how the Lazy Cat had changed and how well the Little Red Hen and the cat worked together.

    This story of the Little Red Hen and the Lazy Cat spread throughout the farmyard and beyond. Their teamwork and solidarity became a parable, a lesson for all to learn from.

    Many moons passed, and the Little Red Hen and the Lazy Cat continued to live happily in the farmyard. Together, they kept the farmyard thriving and prosperous.

    The Lazy Cat was not lazy anymore, and the Little Red Hen was not alone in her work. Together, they transformed their life and the life of the entire farmyard.

    Each new day brought new chores and challenges, but the once Lazy Cat and the Little Red Hen faced them together. They worked hard, enjoying the fruits of their labor.

    The story of the Little Red Hen and the Lazy Cat was remembered in the farmyard for a long time. It reminded everyone of the value of hard work, cooperation, and fairness.

    And so, life on the farmyard carried on, each day filled with hard work, companionship, and shared rewards. The Little Red Hen and the Lazy Cat lived happily ever after, forever inspiring others with their story.

    The Little Red Hen and the Lazy Cat