The Midnight Feast of Finn the Anthro Shark

    By Storybird

    The Midnight Feast of Finn the Anthro Shark cover image

    03 Aug, 2023

    Finn, the anthropomorphic shark, was famous in his underwater city for his wild schemes, but this time he had really outdone himself. He wasn't the most disciplined when it came to his appetite, but equally loved the thrill of a daring adventure.

    It was a night shrouded in darkness, an ideal setup for his mischievous plan - a midnight feast at the city's grand aquarium. After ensuring everyone was asleep, Finn, with a devilish grin on his face, began his stealthy journey towards the aquarium.

    Slipping through the gates of the aquarium was easy enough for a sly shark like Finn. The glow from the submarine lights illuminated the diversity of marine life, making his mouth water with anticipation.

    Like a kid in a candy store, he swam around grabbing any fish that came in his path. His gluttony soon got the better of him, and in the frenzy, he began to devour everything.

    Finn's belly began to grow with every gulp of fish he swallowed. His movements became sluggish, and he realized he'd overeaten. He belched, groaned, and struggled to regain his agility.

    In his gorging, he swallowed a small, glowing object. He didn't know it, but it was a magical crystal known to continuously add body fat to any creature that consumed it.

    Unaware of the fact, Finn continued his banquet until there was not a single creature left in the aquarium. But soon, he began to feel odd, his belly was growing at an alarming rate, even though he had stopped eating.

    Panic set in. Finn's once agile body was now a massive sphere, and he could barely move. He was stuck in the middle of the grand aquarium with the sun about to rise.

    He knew that if the sunlight hit the aquarium, his shadow would be visible to everyone in the city. His heart pounded, and a pit formed in his stomach. He had to escape, but how?

    He summoned all his might and began to wriggle, trying to move towards the gate. Every movement became a Herculean effort, and each inch he moved felt like a mile.

    It was a labyrinth and Finn was the trapped minotaur. He shook off his fear and focused on his escape. However, the continuous belching only added to his distress.

    Small beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as Finn made a slow but steady progress towards the gates. He had to get out before the city woke up to his embarrassing predicament.

    He could see the faint hues of the sky changing as dawn approached. His heart pounded in his chest as he propelled his massive belly ahead with all his might, leaving a trail of disappointment behind.

    The gate was near, but time was running out. With a burst of energy, he heaved his body forward, pushing himself through the gate and barely managing to squeeze his belly through.

    Tired, humiliated, and panting heavily, Finn let out a sigh of relief. He was out of the aquarium, hidden from the prying eyes of the city. Despite his enlarged size, he managed to evade getting caught.

    As the sun rose, life in the city resumed. The residents were shocked to find their grand aquarium empty. The mystery of the missing fish became the talk of the town, but no one knew the truth except Finn.

    Finn sauntered back to his house, trying to cope with his newfound size. His belly jiggled with every step he took, a reminder of his gluttonous adventure.

    The magical crystal continued to add to his weight, making him more massive each passing day. He was now the biggest shark in the city, but also the most ashamed.

    Finn looked at his reflection and saw a giant, bulky shark staring back at him. He lowered his gaze and sighed. His audacious adventure turned into a humbling experience.

    He had learned his lesson - gluttony was indeed a sin. From that day onward, Finn made a vow to control his appetite, fully aware that his weight would be a constant reminder of that fateful adventure.

    Finn’s tale spread through the city, though his identity remained a secret. The story of the mysterious disappearance of the aquarium’s inhabitants became a legend. Little did they know, the culprit was among them, carrying his comeuppance around his waist.

    As Finn swam past the grand aquarium, he would always look at it with remorse, remembering the night of his perilous feast. But it was these constant reminders that helped him change for the better.

    Despite his size, Finn lived on, a larger-than-life figure, both literally and figuratively. He had become a beacon of hope for many, symbolizing that one could always change for the better.

    Finn's tale was passed down from generation to generation. A tale of gluttony and repentance. And whenever anyone saw a glimpse of the giant shark, they remembered the story of the mischievous shark who ate an entire aquarium, and found hope.

    The story of Finn serves as a reminder of the consequences of actions and the potential for change. Finn, the once reckless and gluttonous shark, had not only grown in size but also in wisdom, learning to turn his mistakes into life-changing lessons.

    The Midnight Feast of Finn the Anthro Shark