The Selfish Crocodile
By Binod

18 Jul, 2023

Once upon a time, in a dense, vibrant jungle, there lived a large and angry crocodile who guarded a beautiful blue river. He was a selfish creature and every morning he echoed a terrifying message to the other animals.

"Stay away from my river!" he would bellow, his voice echoing through the forest. "It's MY river! If you come in my river, I'll eat you all!" This had been his daily warning for as long as the jungle animals could remember.

The jungle animals were in a dilemma. The river was their main source of water, and they needed it for drinking and bathing. But no one was brave enough to confront the grumpy crocodile, not even the fiercest tiger or the wiliest fox.

Even the water-dwelling creatures like the fish, frogs, crabs, crayfish, and tadpoles feared the snappy crocodile. They were forced to find other smaller ponds and streams to live in, further away from their natural habitats. (Focus on fish)

Then one day, something unusual happened. The usual morning message from the crocodile was replaced with loud, guttural groans of pain echoing through the jungle. The animals knew instantly that it was their snappy nemesis in distress.

None of the larger animals could pluck up the courage to go over and see what was wrong with the crocodile, even though they knew that without him, they might reclaim their beloved river.

However, a little mouse amongst them found the courage that none of the bigger, stronger animals had. She was small and terrified but she knew she had to do something.

The little mouse scampered across the jungle, her tiny heart pounding in her chest. As she approached the edge of the river, she spotted the crocodile laying on the bank, obviously in great discomfort.

As the little mouse got closer, she saw what was causing the crocodile so much pain. A sharp prickle from a porcupine was lodged deep within the crocodile's large teeth.

The little mouse knew it could help. The mouse entered into the crocodile's wide open mouth.

The brave mouse grabbed the prickle with her tiny teeth. The crocodile squirmed uncomfortably.

Gathering all her strength, the mouse gave one final pull and the prickle came free. The crocodile instantly felt some relief, turning his big head to see what had helped him.

The tiny mouse standing with prickle held in her teeth. Along side crocodile. Brave mouse with stick in its mouth.

The crocodile thanked the mouse for her bravery and kindness. From that day forward, he changed his ways, allowing all the creatures in the jungle to drink and bathe in his river.

The jungle community learned the valuable lessons of courage, kindness, and sharing that day. Despite her size, the little mouse was honored as the bravest amongst them.

The selfish crocodile was no longer selfish, and the river returned to being a vibrant hub for all the jungle animals. Everyone lived happily ever after in the jungle.

This tale of the little mouse and the selfish crocodile spread throughout the jungle, reminding everyone, regardless their size or strength, that courage and kindness are the most powerful virtues.

The former selfish crocodile became a symbol of change and redemption, a reminder that everyone, no matter how stubborn or selfish, can change for the better with a little help.

The river, once a symbol of fear and dread, became a beacon of unity and harmony. The animals of the jungle lived in peace, marking an end to the era of the selfish crocodile.

From then on, on every sunny afternoon, one could see the animals gathered by the river, sharing stories, playing, and enjoying the cool, clear water, with no fear of the once selfish crocodile.