The Shrunken Heroes
By Storybird

02 Oct, 2023

The air in the workshop was thick with enchantment as I, a tiefling artificer, put the finishing touches on my latest invention. My adventuring party watched with eager anticipation.

My hand slipped, striking the activation rune, sending a burst of magic that enveloped us all. When the glow faded, we were children!

"What just happened?" demanded the Triton fighter, her voice now high and girlish, her armor too big for her small frame.

Our human wizard was elated. "I was looking for a way to become young, but this is too much!" he laughed, his voice squeaky.

The Drow cleric looked at her small hands in disbelief, her once intimidating presence diminished. The elf rogue simply gaped in shock.

Outside, a group of local bullies watched through the window, grinning maliciously. They had seen everything.

The bullies barged in, snatching my device. "We'll be the grown-ups now!" their leader declared, turning the dial.

Nothing happened. The device was attuned to us; they couldn't use it. Enraged, they decided to take us captive instead.

They led us to their hideout, an old barn. "You'll work for us now," the leader sneered, locking the door.

But we were still heroes, regardless of our size. We began planning our escape, whispering in the dim light.

The wizard, with his knowledge, explained the device's workings. The rogue, nimble, would retrieve it. The rest of us would create a diversion.

The cleric started a game of tag, the loud noise and movement distracting the bullies. Meanwhile, the rogue slipped away unnoticed.

The rogue returned, device in hand. But the bullies noticed their absence and the game was up.

The bullies charged, but we were ready. Despite our size, we held our ground, using our skills to evade and confuse them.

The Triton, agile even in oversized armor, tripped one with her tail. The wizard cast a minor illusion, scaring another.

The cleric, using her knowledge of shadows, disappeared in plain sight, reappearing behind the bullies, startling them.

The rogue, swift and silent, managed to tie the bullies' shoelaces together, causing them to stumble and fall.

I took the device, readjusting the settings. As the bullies untangled themselves, I activated it, returning us to our proper ages.

The bullies gaped up at us, now towering over them. The tables had turned. Fear replaced their malicious smiles.

"Never underestimate the power of children," I declared. "Or the power of heroes, regardless of their size."

We left the bullies in their barn, lesson learned. We returned to our workshop, chuckling about our unusual adventure.

"That was fun," the wizard commented. "But I'll stick to my scrolls for youth restoration next time."

"Agreed," I replied. "No more age-altering devices." We all laughed, glad to be back to normal.

From then on, we were more careful with our magical experiments. But we never forgot the day we became children and triumphed over bullies.

It was a reminder that heroism isn't about size or strength, but courage and heart. And that, truly, was our greatest victory.