The Sweet Adventure

    By Storybird

    The Sweet Adventure cover image

    20 Jul, 2023

    Once upon a time, in a tiny wormhole, there lived four little and adventurous worms: Crew Yogurt, Go Go Squeeze, Eggs, and Dirt.

    They weren't ordinary worms. These fellows had a peculiar trait. They loved the taste of kid-friendly beverages.

    Every day, they would dig tunnels up to the surface of the earth and enjoy the drips of juice that kids often spilled during their daily play.

    Crew Yogurt loved the tangy taste of strawberry-flavored yogurt drinks. He would often slurp on them with pure delight.

    Go Go Squeeze, on the other hand, relished the sweet and squishy apple squeezes. He could never resist them and often found himself under apple trees waiting for any accidental drops.

    Eggs, despite his confusing name, had a strong liking for milkshakes. He found vanilla milkshakes the most delectable and always had a hankering for them.

    Dirt was different. He was an adventurous worm who liked to try different drinks. From chocolate milk to orange juice, he liked it all.

    However, one day, a new family moved into the neighborhood with their kids. The worms were intrigued, they wondered if they'd bring any new drinks.

    As the children started to play on the lawn, they noticed a delightful smell drifting down into their wormhole.

    It was a smell that they'd never experienced before, and it was coming from the shiny cups that the kids were carrying around.

    Smelling the air, Dirt announced, "We have a new beverage in town!" They all giggled with anticipation.

    The next morning, Dirt was the first one to venture out to the lawn. He found a small puddle of the new drink.

    He took a little sip and his tiny eyes widened. It was the best thing he'd ever tasted. "It's a smoothie!" he declared.

    With this news, the others quickly came to the surface. They all sipped the smoothie and agreed with Dirt that it was indeed the best thing they had tasted.

    From that day, the worms eagerly waited for the kids to play and hopefully spill some of their smoothies. They were delighted with their new delicious treat.

    But one day, as the worms were gleefully sipping the remnants of a strawberry-banana smoothie, they noticed the children looking sad. Their smoothies were gone.

    They felt guilty. They realized that they had been selfishly enjoying the smoothies without thinking about the children.

    The worms decided to help the children. Crew Yogurt and Go Go Squeeze dug tunnels to the fruit shrubs and brought back strawberries and apples.

    Eggs and Dirt made their way to the kitchen, sneaking in through a small hole near the door. They found a half-empty jug of milk and nudged it towards the door.

    The children were surprised to find fresh fruits and a jug of milk by the door. They decided to make more smoothies.

    The worms returned to their hole happy. They knew they could now enjoy their smoothies without any guilt.

    And so, the worms and the children lived in harmony. The kids enjoyed their smoothies and the worms got their share too.

    They also realized the importance of sharing and not taking more than they needed. After all, there was enough for everyone.

    From that day on, they became good friends. The kids even started putting out tiny bowls of smoothie for the worms.

    The story of Crew Yogurt, Go Go Squeeze, Eggs, and Dirt serves as a reminder that sharing is caring, and even the smallest creatures have a role in our world.