Tinkle Belle and the Magic Potty

    By Casey

    Tinkle Belle and the Magic Potty cover image

    11 Jul, 2023

    Once upon a time in a small town named Sunshine Valley, there lived a little boy named Tommy. Tommy was now a big boy, and his parents thought it was time for him to start using the big kid potty.

    Tommy was a little nervous about this big change. He had always used his little potty, and he felt comfy and secure with it. But his parents reassured him, it was time to become a big boy.

    That night, as Tommy slept, a soft sparkle of light found its way through his window. A gentle flutter of wings was heard, and there appeared a sweet little fairy! Her name was Tinkle Belle, the potty training fairy.

    Tinkle Belle was known far and wide for helping little kids like Tommy transition from little potties to big potties. She was small, with rosy cheeks, a green dress, and delicate, glittery wings.

    With a slight tilt of her wand towards Tommy’s forehead, she opened a line of communication. Tommy, she said, I am here to help you with your potty training journey.

    Tommy was surprised but not scared. He looked at Tinkle Belle and said bravely, I am ready for the big kid potty, but I am just a little nervous. Tinkle Belle nodded understandingly.

    Tinkle Belle, with a comforting smile, told Tommy that every big task starts with a small step. She asked him to feel confident and promised to help him through his journey.

    Tinkle Belle held a special bell in her hands. It was the most magical bell of all, the Tinkle Belle. She told Tommy that every time he used the big kid potty, he would get to ring the bell.

    Tommy was so excited about the idea of ringing the magical Tinkle Belle, that he immediately agreed to try the big kid potty. The next morning, Tommy woke up feeling ready for his new adventure.

    Throughout the day, Tinkle Belle was there to remind Tommy to use the big potty when he needed to go. Each time he did, Tinkle Belle would swoop down and grant him the joy of ringing the Tinkle Belle.

    Tommy's anxiety slowly started to fade away, and he began to feel more comfortable. He started to see using the big kid potty as an exciting endeavour rather than something to be nervous about.

    Days turned into weeks, and soon Tommy was using the big kid potty all by himself. He didn't need Tinkle Belle's reminders anymore, but she was always there, with the magical Tinkle Belle ready.

    Tommy loved the soft jingling sound of the bell. It made him feel like he had achieved something great, which he indeed had. Transitioning from a little potty to a big one was a big step!

    Tommy's parents were so proud of him. They were happy to see their little boy growing up and taking on new responsibilities. And they were grateful to Tinkle Belle for her help.

    One day, Tommy realized he no longer needed Tinkle Belle's guidance. He told her that he was now a big boy and could use the big kid potty all on his own.

    Tinkle Belle was extremely proud of Tommy. She knew he had the will and courage to overcome his fear. She waived her wand one last time, and the connection was closed.

    Tommy woke up the next day looking for Tinkle Belle. He felt a bit sad knowing she wouldn’t be there. But then he remembered that she had left because he was now a big boy and didn't need her help anymore.

    Tommy continued to use the big kid potty, feeling proud each day. He missed ringing the Tinkle Belle, but he knew that it meant he had grown up which was even better.

    And so, with a little help from Tinkle Belle, Tommy had learned to use the big kid potty. He had grown in courage and confidence and was ready for his next big adventure.

    And if ever you find a little fairy dust on your potty, know that Tinkle Belle might have stopped by to lend a hand, or a bell. After all, every little step is a big deal!

    Tinkle Belle and the Magic Potty