Zhi Xuan's Brave Adventure

    By Yean Shin

    Zhi Xuan's Brave Adventure cover image

    25 Jul, 2023

    Once upon a sunny day in Singapore, there was a sweet little girl named Zhi Xuan. She had shiny dark short hair and a bright smile that could light up any room.

    Zhi Xuan was a happy girl, but she had a little problem. From a young age, she had something called eczema. It made her skin itchy and red and she really didn't like it.

    The doctor told her that she needed to wash her hands and take showers often to keep her skin clean and reduce the itchiness. But little Zhi Xuan hated that. Water and soap scared her. She would rather play with her colorful play dough.

    One day, while she was playing with her play dough, she noticed tinny specks of dirt under her nails. Curious, she looked at them closer.

    She decided to imagine what was happening on her skin. She pictured herself as a superhero, diving deep into the surface of her skin. It was a new and exciting adventure for her.

    As she dove deeper, she saw the dirt and bacteria were having a big party on her skin. They were dancing, laughing, and growing bigger and bigger.

    She realized they were the ones making her eczema worse. They loved the dirt and didn't like to be washed away. That made her think, she didn't want these bacteria on her skin.

    With determination, Zhi Xuan decided to challenge her fear of washing. She wanted to stop the bacteria party and help her skin feel better.

    The next time she had to wash her hands, she thought of herself as a superhero. She bravely turned on the tap and felt the cool water touch her skin.

    She gently put some soap on her hands and started to rub them together. This was her weapon against the bacteria party, she thought.

    Slowly, she saw the soap bubbles carrying little specks of dirt away. They were washing away the mean bacteria. She was winning! She smiled.

    The shower was a bigger challenge. She held her breath and thought of it as a big waterfall. She was going to dive in and fight the bacteria hiding on the rest of her skin.

    As the water touched her skin, she could imagine the bacteria screaming and running away. She was cleaning her skin, and it was not as scary as she thought. She began to love showers.

    Every day, she would wash her hands and take her shower. Each time, she felt like she was going on a great adventure, fighting the bad bacteria.

    With time, Zhi Xuan noticed her skin was getting better. The red patches were becoming less, and it was not itching as much. She was truly becoming the superhero of her skin.

    The more she kept her skin clean, the better it felt. She realized washing hands and showering were not so bad after all. They were parts of her daily adventures.

    Zhi Xuan became a role model for her friends. She showed them the importance of keeping their hands clean, and how it could be an exciting adventure.

    She could now play with her play dough without worrying about the dirt and bacteria. She could even play in the pool and at the seaside, places she could not go before because of her eczema.

    Now, she was able to play and laugh more freely, not worrying about her skin. She had overcome her fear of washing and her skin was recovering beautifully.

    Every night, she would look at her hands and smile. She was proud of the brave little girl she had become. She was happy for taking care of her skin.

    Little Zhi Xuan's story spread around her school and even her city. She became a tiny hero, showing everyone that washing can be fun, and it can keep us healthy.

    Since then, everybody in Singapore looked at washing hands and showering differently. They transformed it into an exciting adventure, just like Zhi Xuan.

    No longer did they see washing as a scary task. The children of Singapore were bravely washing away bacteria by the millions, keeping their skin clean and healthy.

    Now, Zhi Xuan's skin is clear, and she's a happier little girl. She plays with her friends, and continues to be a superhero, keeping her skin safe from bacteria.

    And so, our little heroine Zhi Xuan continues to live her life with joy, proving that sometimes, our fears can lead us to the greatest adventures.

    Zhi Xuan's Brave Adventure