Secrets Unveiled
By Storybird

05 Sep, 2023

Frankie's phone buzzed with an incoming call. He saw Rex's name flash on the screen and hastily picked it up. Rex sounded distraught, he was crying and his words were tumbling out incoherently.

"Rex, calm down," Frankie cooed, although his heart pounded with worry. He could hear Rex's sobs, each one stabbing him in the chest. "I'm coming, okay? Just stay right there."

Frankie dropped his phone on his bed and quickly slipped into his shoes. He didn't have time to worry about his family seeing him leave so abruptly. They were used to his unpredictability.

As he drove to Rex's house, Frankie's mind raced. He had no idea how to handle this situation. No one knew about their relationship, and they wanted to keep it that way.

When Frankie arrived, he found Rex outside, shivering and wrapped in nothing but a towel. The sight of him broke Frankie's heart. He quickly took off his jean vest and placed it around Rex.

"Why did you call me?" Frankie asked, noticing that Rex was not wearing his usual black tank top and jeans. Rex didn't answer, he just kept sobbing, his body shaking.

It took a while, but Frankie managed to calm Rex down. With his arms wrapped around him, Rex finally started to explain. His mother had gotten angry at him while he was showering.

"She slapped me, Frank," Rex choked out, tears streaming down his face. Frankie's heart ached as he tightened his hold on Rex, both of them seeking comfort in their shared secret.

"Let's get you cleaned up and dressed," Frankie said, guiding Rex towards his car. He didn't know what else to say or do. For now, he just needed to be there for Rex.

Frankie took Rex back to his place. His family was out, giving them some much-needed privacy. Rex showered and changed into some of Frankie's clothes. They fit awkwardly but Rex didn't mind.

As the night wore on, both of them talked about what had happened. Rex was hesitant at first, but with Frankie's gentle encouragement, he opened up. His parents had discovered he was trans and reacted angrily.

"What about Jessica?" Frankie asked, remembering Rex's supportive sister. Rex shrugged, his face etched with worry. "I don't know, she wasn't home."

"She'll probably side with them," Rex muttered, his gaze fallen. Frankie held him close, whispering words of reassurance. He knew how important Jessica's support was to Rex.

Frankie didn't know what he could do to help. All he could offer was his love and support. And a promise. A promise that no matter what, he would stand by Rex.

As the night turned into morning, Rex finally slept. Frankie watched him, his mind filled with worry. He knew the road ahead would be challenging, but he was ready to face it with Rex.

The next few days were a whirlwind. Frankie's family started asking questions about Rex's frequent visits. He shrugged them off with excuses, but he knew the secrecy couldn't last forever.

Meanwhile, Rex tried to contact Jessica, but she didn't answer. His anxiety grew day by day. Frankie tried to comfort him, but the uncertainty was taking a toll on Rex.

Then, one day, Jessica finally called back. Rex rushed to answer it. His voice trembled as he spoke to her. Frankie watched anxiously from the doorway.

The conversation was short and when Rex hung up, he was silent. Frankie reached out, touching his arm gently. "She's with them," Rex whispered, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

It was heartbreaking for Frankie to see Rex like this. He hugged him close, but the comfort was shallow. There wasn't much he could do but promise to be there for him.

Despite everything, Rex and Frankie’s bond strengthened. They faced the challenges together, their love for each other becoming the glue that held them together in the face of adversity.

Eventually, Frankie revealed his relationship with Rex to his family. There was shock, confusion, and lots of questions. But ultimately, they offered their support and understanding.

With his family's support, Frankie felt stronger. He convinced Rex to confront his family. It was a terrifying thought, but they knew it was a necessary step.

The confrontation didn't go as they hoped. Rex's parents remained unaccepting of his identity. But Jessica surprised them. She had changed her stance and promised to support her brother.

In the end, it was a small victory. Rex’s journey wasn’t over, but with Frankie and Jessica’s support, he knew he could face anything. Their love was his strength, their secrets unveiled.