The Dare
By enyarenfrow

04 Apr, 2024

Jake, the popular eighth-grader, was dared by his friends to ask the new kid on a date. A dare was a dare after all.

Alex was the new kid, who had just started binding their chest. They were shy but held their head high with a quiet resilience.

Under the dare, Jake approached Alex at the cafeteria. 'Hey Alex, would you...um...go out with me?' he asked, his usual smirk replaced with a nervous grin.

Alex looked surprised but agreed, 'Sure Jake, I'd like that.' Their voice was soft but steady, their eyes curious but cautious.

On the date, Jake found himself genuinely enjoying Alex's company. They talked, laughed, and shared stories. Alex was different, intriguing.

As they left the café, Jake felt a strange flutter in his stomach. He glanced at Alex, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding.

Back at home, Jake replayed the date in his mind. He could still feel the warmth of Alex's laughter, the spark in their eyes.

He realized he was imagining being with Alex, holding their hand, kissing them. It was unexpected, but it felt...right.

The next day at school, Jake found Alex at their locker. 'Hey Alex, about that date...it wasn't just a dare. I really like you.'

Alex looked at him, their eyes wide, 'Really Jake? Are you sure?' Their voice was hopeful, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Jake nodded, 'Yeah, I'm sure. I really like you, Alex.' His words echoed through the hallway, a confession that marked a new beginning.

Alex smiled, 'I'd like to go on another date, Jake.' Their words floated in the air, a promise for a future filled with possibilities.