The Proposal
By Rocking Macha

02 Jun, 2024

Luke strolled through the crowded hallway, trying to blend in. He was quiet and generally kept to himself, but today, he had a mission.

His eyes were fixed on Emma, the most popular girl in school. Emma was fun, outgoing, and, to Luke, she was perfect.

Luke spent hours at the library, gathering the courage to talk to Emma. He rehearsed his words, his gestures, everything had to be perfect.

Finally, he saw Emma in the library. She was alone, engrossed in a book. He took a deep breath and approached her.

Luke had managed to talk to Emma. He made her laugh and they had a great time. He felt a ray of hope.

Over the next few days, Luke and Emma spent more time together. Luke's confidence grew with every conversation.

Luke decided to propose to Emma in the park. He thought it was the perfect setting, just like in the movies.

With a pounding heart and sweaty palms, Luke waited for Emma in the park. He held a small box in his hands.

Emma arrived looking beautiful under the moonlight. Luke felt his heart skip a beat. He took a deep breath and walked up to her.

Luke got down on one knee and presented the box to Emma. He stuttered, 'Emma, will you be my girlfriend?'

Emma looked surprised but then she smiled. She nodded and said, 'Yes, Luke. I'd love to be your girlfriend.'

Luke felt a surge of happiness. He had done it, he had overcome his shyness and won the girl of his dreams.